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Hemi Sepolia is unavailable

20 Aralık at 05:58am UTC
Etkilenen servisler
Hemi Portal
Public RPC
Block Explorer
Block Explorer API
Partner RPCs
Hemi Hatchlings

Olay çözümlendi
30 Aralık at 05:14pm UTC

We have resolved this issue, and Hemi Sepolia RPC should now be working correctly for all users. We will continue monitoring for any future issues.

20 Aralık at 01:14pm UTC

We are aware of another issue affecting Hemi Sepolia and are working on a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.

20 Aralık at 09:11am UTC

We have identified the cause of the issue and have made changes to bring the sequencer nodes back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Olay başladı
20 Aralık at 05:58am UTC

We are currently experiencing an issue with the sequencer nodes on Hemi Sepolia. We are working to fix the problem and restore the network.

Sorry for the inconvenience.